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Zoning Out.

Writer's picture: GurditGurdit

Do you ever snap out of the minutes which are ticking by and enter into a world where time doesn’t really matter?

Sometimes there’s silence all over and at times a song is being played in the background but you cannot remember which one it is.

Or sometimes you are able to listen whatever is happening in this world yet you don’t register a single word being said. You just zone out.

It’s not about a mental illness, it’s about ignoring some things which you think does not require your attention anymore. It’s not about creating a delusional world by zoning out but, about staying in a peaceful state mentally.

Sometimes zoning out is about thinking about a particular thing with so much of concentration that you cannot understand anything which might be happening around you until someone snaps you out of your zone.

It’s not sickening it’s relieving.


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