Words I Don't Say
I often keep all the words,
At the tip of my tongue all day,
And bring them out here every night,
In a one-way conversation with the universe,
Hoping someone, somewhere would read them,
And ask what's happening to that heart of mine?
So, here are instances I wish I said them out loud today,
But something in me stopped from doing so,
Or maybe there was no one listening to them as my words swallow,
Creating a pit in my stomach,
Maybe I should have told them to you,
But would you even bother?
Which one of you I'm talking to anyway,
I don't even know now.
So, I shut up and forget them until,
I write them down here,
In the hope of someone reading them somewhere,
Why didn't I say something to them then?

P.S.: I wrote another poem after this and maybe it is stronger than this but I'm keeping that to myself for now. I have been doing this often but I really think they're best kept with me without anyone reading them.