Let's unromanticize the clouds for a while,
Aren't they just water vapours floating in the air?
Let's unromanticize the rainbows for a while,
Aren't they formed because of refracted light through tiny prisms of water?
Let's unromanticize the sunsets for a while, Aren't they a result of the rotation of the earth?
Let's unromanticize poems for a while,
Aren't they simply words written in a way to rhyme?
Let's unromanticize the stars for a while,
Aren't they a ball of burning gases from light years away?
Let's unromanticize the moon for a while,
Isn't it just a rock that circles another rock circling a dying star?
Now, tell me what's life without romance,
For romance is the hope of being really alive.
