This Is How I Look Now
There’s a mirror in front of my bed,
And each morning it reflects a different version of me.
Somedays it’s all about the messy hair,
Until I see the pimple ready to mess up my clear skin right before a date.
Somedays it’s all about the eyes,
Puffy, sore and red from all the crying on the previous night.
And on somedays I just can’t see me standing there,
It’s just someone staring at the mirror,
Who looks like me, but isn’t me anymore.
Until one day like today,
I see myself and I actually see myself,
And wonder, okay, wow, this is how I look now!
With straight long hair with tinges of brown,
Bright dark brown eyes always searching for something around,
Cheeks that turn red after laughing,
Lips that say a lot without saying anything.
And I wonder what has changed from the last time I saw myself,
For this is someone who even I haven’t met.
