The Words Complain
She’s been using us for years now,
Ruthlessly, Shamelessly, Cold-heartedly,
To describe,
Matters of her heart,
Which she can’t say,
To people on their faces.
She’s been using us for years now,
Day in and day out,
To blurt,
Her heart’s feelings,
In poetries,
With unrhythmic verses.
She’s been using us for years now,
On her bad days,
Writing as she cries,
Heartbreaks in poems,
To forget what she once had,
Only to engrave the memories with us.
She’s been using us for years now,
On her good days,
To express,
The butterflies and smiles,
She carries with herself the entire day,
Only to engrave the memories using us.
She’s been using us for years now,
And we’ve been using her too,
To reach to your feelings,
Which you’ve hidden deep down in your heart,
To make you feel,
Loved and special,
To silently tell you,
That she says, Fly.
