Spilling SecretsGurditDec 28, 2019Was it as silent as it seemed to be,The corridors of ancient dynasty,Where only giggles echoed today,And secret spilled like rain,Was it as real as it seemed to be,The light, the darkness,You and me.#writing #writer #blogger #blogging #bestpoemblogs #travel #blog #poetry #travelstory #dailylifeexperiences #poem #story #traveller
Was it as silent as it seemed to be,The corridors of ancient dynasty,Where only giggles echoed today,And secret spilled like rain,Was it as real as it seemed to be,The light, the darkness,You and me.#writing #writer #blogger #blogging #bestpoemblogs #travel #blog #poetry #travelstory #dailylifeexperiences #poem #story #traveller