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Writer's picture: GurditGurdit

The land elongates the distance by miles and kilometers, by sun and rain, by you and me.

The maps cuts the distance short. At least, the distance seems less as the it is not scalable on the paper, by you or me.

The screen in our hands makes us look closer, feel closer, be closer, send across what we feel even after being unscalable miles apart.

It is only the screen which connects most of us today, eliminating the distances of miles and hours in speed and seconds across homes, cities, states, nations, even when you’re flying in the air 35,000 feet above the atmosphere or cruising in the Pacific ocean 9000 nautical miles away from the land. Yet, sometimes, the screen makes two close people seem so distant as if they lived on an other planet in another galaxy and in an other universe altogether.

Such a simple thing, such complex actions.


words for the day

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