I’ve been reading too many poems written by poets who are heartbroken in love. Each poem I read I’d either too sad for me or too unemotional.
Some of them wretch out the poet’s feelings in such a manner that you almost feel guilty of breaking her heart and some of them are written full of words which make no sense to me because I couldn’t really relate to them.
Then comes the poems of my favorite poet, who I think is way more sad than I am and is happily writing all the emotions I might be feeling and along with the emotions which I don’t feel at all.
Now when I read poems of your favorite poetess, I think about which poem of hers would be the one you could relate to right now. Because, her writing is just too sad; way sadder than my favorite poet, which makes me think, are you even sad? Or, are you sadder than me?
In this war of whose poetry I love the most today, in this mood, I find none which speaks my mind. Not my favorite poets’, not your favorite poetess’, nor someone’s who has written them with his heart and soul.
I, on the other hand, don’t know from where to begin.
