It would be perfect when you stop for a moment,
To soak in the cool, fragrant air around you,
Of lavenders, pines and grass,
And just breathe without worrying when you’ll get to do this again,
Because the next breathe and the others followed by,
Are going to be as peaceful as the last one.
It would be perfect when you don’t have to question,
About the mysteries and doubts of the mind,
For there’ll be answers waiting to be found,
In the valleys and shores of the earth,
And in the skies that have more answers than stars and clouds,
Surprising you each day, each night.
It would be perfect when you don’t feel the way you do,
For there’ll be no reason to,
As we trust the universe as it,
Reflects our own thoughts back to us,
As if we’re the universe,
And it mirrors us right back at us.

1800th blog. Oh my my. Crazyyyyyy!