One Of Those Days
Today, was one of the those days, again.
Like those when you feel so lost,
On known paths.
Like those days when you feel so exhausted,
To even breathe.
Like those days when quitting it seems easier,
Than to keep on doing it.
Like those days when every conversation brings tears,
Because why not.
Like those days when nothing seems worth it,
Not even the love you deserve.
Like those days when the day has ended,
But the shadow of it still lingers by your side.
Like those days when I wish someone could hold me,
Just hold me, hold me, hold me.
Like those days when you don’t know,
How you’ll survive another day like today.
Like those days when nothing seems to work,
Except the clock that keeps ticking.
Reminding you constantly,
That you are not doing what are supposed to,
That you’re wasting another minute, another hour, another day of your life,
When you could, should and must do,
What you truly love.
So, why, why, why,
We’re still stuck on those days,
Like today.
