On My Mind — Chapter 02
This was going to be about,
Another rant of mine,
About how someone came in my dream,
And how I miss them so much,
Still, after so many days, still,
Until I saw a Twitter thread about,
Someone losing their partner,
And how their home doesn't echo with her laughter anymore,
And then I stalked his account a little more,
To understand what really happened,
And there were instantly tears in my eyes,
To see him remember all their milestones,
Vacations, wedding anniversary, last date, etc,
And how he is keeping her memory alive,
With her book, and her anecdotes,
And now when I think of you again,
In your own universe,
And me in my own,
I realize maybe we were never meant to be,
But I didn't ever feel any other way too,
So why does it even matter,
You being here or not,
Because I'm hurting too,
Like that man who lost his partner,
I have lost too,
Again, but, to you, does it even matter?
