Nooks And CornersGurditJan 4, 2020She couldn’t stop exploring,Nooks and corners,Of places unknown,Until she found someone familiar,Who admired the same warmth,She felt,At places,She never thought,She would miss so much.#rajashthan #writing #solotravel #writer #blogger #travelstories #blogging #travel #blog #poetry #fort #poem #amerfort #rajashthantourism #FlyIsay #traveller
She couldn’t stop exploring,Nooks and corners,Of places unknown,Until she found someone familiar,Who admired the same warmth,She felt,At places,She never thought,She would miss so much.#rajashthan #writing #solotravel #writer #blogger #travelstories #blogging #travel #blog #poetry #fort #poem #amerfort #rajashthantourism #FlyIsay #traveller