I wake up with sudden white light on my face.
Shielding my sleep filled, groggy eyes with my left hand,
I try to cover my head with the light blue duvet with small white daisies all over it.
Before I’m able to do so,
In the sleepy, zombie version of me,
Probably in the middle of the ending of the night and the beginning of the day,
I try opening my eyes to see what had actually woken me up from a slumber I wanted to last for a lifetime,
And I couldn’t believe the scene which I saw when my eyes registered the scene,
My whole body was drenched up in eye piercing, bright, sparkly, white light,
Emitted by the only satellite of the blue, full of life planet,
Angled in such a way that the big whole ball of chemicals showered me in the light it borrowed from the fire ball.
Probably this is what heaven looks like, because nothing could be as precious as sleeping under a shiny, bright moon and wondering if it’s actually happening or are you really dead.
