Miss You
There are I miss yous hidden in the hellos said after days,
Just like a warm glow of sunshine bursting through the clouded sky.
There are I miss yous hidden in the songs rediscovered,
Just like a tune you hear on the radio as you’re stuck in traffic and everything simply comes back with it.
There are I miss yous hidden in the movie reruns,
Just like “Yer a wizard” gives you all the chills even the 90th time.
There are I miss yous unrecognised as you shrug off the feeling,
Just like pang you feel when your character dies in the video game.
There are I miss yous unsaid,
Just like the one I didn’t say when I wanted you to know that I miss you,
All of you,
With all your moods,
All of you,
As you become my muse,
All of you,
With all your unsaid I miss yous too.
