It’s No More Magical?
Sometimes it is something they said unintentionally which hurts you so much that you can’t go back to love them like before.
And sometimes it is something which they didn’t say. The silence does the task.
Sometimes it is something they did with unharmful intentions or intentionally you’ll never know that you can’t believe anything whatever they’ve said or done until now.
And sometimes they do nothing. The unattempted actions do does the task.
Sometimes it is the something they never did and they never wanted to do too, leading you on for instance; then you start rewinding every situation you ever had, finding out loopholes, to never find them.
And sometimes you find them. The misreading of signs does the task.
Sometimes, despite all of it, you still see the magic. Fading yet there. Subsiding yet omnipresent. Waiting for a swish to turn everything in your favour.
And sometimes it is just gone.
