Eye Opening Dream
The sky was pouring down,
Completely, shamelessly, ruthlessly.
The colour palette of my dream today consisted of muted greys, blacks, browns, greens and white. Earthy with a touch of nostalgia. Less but more. Unrealistic but very real. Close but far. There but not. Me and a little bit of you.
It was as if,
You are not allowed,
Even in my dreams anymore,
After you decided to leave,
This town of broken homes and hearts,
Yet, it rains,
Where you and I are at,
With hundreds of people,
Who cannot see me leave crying my heart.
You must be there,
Because I feel you to my bones,
But I cannot see you though,
Not that I want to,
Not anymore, now,
I want to wake up,
From the dream that I was dreaming about.
