Desires of WinterGurditDec 19, 2019You are like the sun smiling meekly,On a winter morning,With just enough warmth,One requires to glow,Caressing the skin,Leaving it with wants,No one else can satisfy,Only to make me desire,Of winters, more and more.#writing #winter #writer #blogger #blogging #bestpoemblogs #blog #poetry #sweaterweather #dailylifeexperiences #poem #FlyIsay #weather #sunpoem
You are like the sun smiling meekly,On a winter morning,With just enough warmth,One requires to glow,Caressing the skin,Leaving it with wants,No one else can satisfy,Only to make me desire,Of winters, more and more.#writing #winter #writer #blogger #blogging #bestpoemblogs #blog #poetry #sweaterweather #dailylifeexperiences #poem #FlyIsay #weather #sunpoem