“I wish I could leave you, my love, but, my heart is a mess.”
I can’t get these lyrics by Prateek Kuhad out of my head.
Honestly, now, it’s making a mess up there.
I am tired of looking at your t-shirt in my wardrobe now.
But, I can’t bring myself to either wear it or throw it.
Too many memories, you know.
I’d promised myself I’ll stop writing about you.
I had. Until today when I again saw the t-shirt and those lyrics were on my lips like a chant.
“I wish I could leave you, my love, but, my heart is a mess.”
The t-shirt still lies there, I’m writing about you again and the lyrics don’t seem to leave me, yet.
Neither does your scent from the t-shirt.
Nor do the memories.
