
Dec 5, 2017
Synchrony or not?
Have you ever met a person and then saw a similar looking, younger version of them on the television and thought, well, damn! Will you...

Dec 3, 2017
It All Comes Back
You don’t realize, Do you? That it all comes back to me, Even if you don’t want it to. Or do you even know that, It comes back to me,...

Oct 25, 2017
The Boy Who Called Wolf
Dealing with the situations out of your control is the most challenging task in everyone’s life. You need to analyze it thoroughly, plan...

Aug 23, 2017
She wears her heart on her sleeve, Giving it to strangers helplessly, She is obsessed with the idea of being in love, Dreaming of living...

Aug 16, 2017
You can see the ball coming towards the goal; in only a fraction of seconds, everything will be in your hands or rather legs to save the...