
Nov 8, 2019
Some goodbyes are unexpected, Not because someone leaves you without giving a reason, But because of the words spoken at that time....

Nov 6, 2019
Hazy skies, With occasional sunshine bright, Crowded streets, From the videos of some song upbeat. I see him walking amidst the...

Nov 5, 2019
Glass Doors
2 glass doors, See through, A lift door, Does it even work who knew. Then how random was it, When it opened as you, Stood in there...

Nov 1, 2019
No Destination
It all looks retro, The crisp leaves on the ground, Bare trees and skies with pretty white clouds, Decorated lanes with houses playing...

Oct 28, 2019
Word’s Noose
The words which once felt like a relief, Are today holding me by the noose, Because I don’t know how often they have, Hurt the ones...

Oct 21, 2019
The Walk
How long this walk is going to be, I wonder while sipping coffee, The one which we started, One morning randomly, Just because we felt...

Oct 14, 2019
Sticky Notes
How many sticky notes does it take to fall in love? 1. For reminding to take the house keys. P. S.: Don’t lock yourself out again. 2. For...

Oct 13, 2019
No Sleep. Only Questions.
The thoughts keep me up all night, Raising questions I wouldn’t know, I might have for myself or you someday, Answers of which happen to...

Oct 9, 2019
When it seems like you’ve the sandcastle under control, Is when a small wave silently creeps up, Starts pulling off the sand, Grain by...

Sep 25, 2019
Pebble of Thought
When the ocean is roaring, With waves of poetry, Throw in a pebble of thought, For you might get, Your very own ballad ready, In a minute...

Sep 16, 2019
When you look back, And see yourself strive, From one step, To thousand miles, If everything then, Does feel alright, Then probably life...

Sep 4, 2019
It was not like you came announced, There were signs of you before. A smile, like a flash of lightning, A thunder-like death stare, Light...