
Jan 29, 2020
Historian Of Love
I’m a historian, Who keeps track of all things lovely, Happening in all the eras, Across cities all over the globe. So, when I flip...

Jan 27, 2020
I’ve all my words haywired today, Might have dropped some on the way too, If you found them talking to you, Tell them I want them to stay...

Jan 25, 2020
Shorter Nights
Even though the nights are becoming shorter, They are eating me up, With the fear of losing, The stars I see in the horizon, Guiding me...

Jan 24, 2020
Stop, stare, let go, I ain’t the one, You once gave a red rose, Run, create, hold on, To something precious, For making the world yours....

Jan 23, 2020
He stares at me, Like I’m a phenomenon, As good as the moon shining on a dark night, I stare back, Like he’s a phenomenon, As good as the...

Jan 15, 2020
Days Like Today
Now, what can I write, When I can’t say anything, Which crosses my mind, All throughout the day, Half of the thoughts being,...

Jan 11, 2020
I don’t think about you all the time now. Just 6 times a day. No more. No less. Once after I wake up. The first thought of the day with a...

Jan 10, 2020
A shiver runs down my body, As your fingers trace my back, And leave eventually, With marks of memories, Which will fade away, Like the...

Jan 8, 2020
Sunset Lover
I’m a lover of sunset, Who has been running away, Ever since the one, I saw it away from the bay, Peaceful, magical, quiet, Asking me to...

Dec 11, 2019
I have lost the count, Of the occassions when I’ve acted on impulse this year, Leading to something completely unexpected. But, I think...

Dec 8, 2019
Death By Words
Being a writer, I deal with a lot of words on a daily basis. Even when I’m not writing, I’m thinking about what I would write, If I was...

Dec 2, 2019
Compass Needle
As much as I try to get you off my mind, It wanders back to you, Like the compass needle, Always finding the north, So, then why do you...