
Jul 26, 2020
Blog 1549
I screamed, And I smiled, At the innocence, And the actions wild, Of someone from the books, Who felt so full of life, Telling me that...

Jul 25, 2020
We drift from each other, Like paper boats in a river stream, Flowing ahead, But away, With every turn, Leading to something, As vast as...

Jul 23, 2020
I Can’t Write
I don’t think I can write today, Everything that’s going on in my head, As words aren’t enough, To explain even a little bit, But I wish...

Jul 22, 2020
I want to wave at the airplane, Flying right above me, Hoping someone would be looking, At me through the clouds, As the city lights...

Jul 15, 2020
Random Phenomena
Maybe I’m a mad-mad girl, Who doesn’t know when to stop writing, As I stare randomly at the sky, Finding words from hidden in its...

Jul 9, 2020
Ditched Words
After 40 minutes of staring at my screen, I realise that my words ditched me, When I woke up in the morning, So, when I forming sentences...

Jun 27, 2020
Colours Of Twilight
All I do is stare, At the colours of the twilight, And wonder how, Stunning it would look, If I had someone staring at it, With me in...

Jun 16, 2020
You’ve Been Gone
Seconds, minutes and hours pass by, In darkness and solitude, I sing by. The tunes which my heart remembers, For you and me, The mind...

Jun 15, 2020
Good-Bad Day
There’s one small similarity between a good day and a bad day, And it is the fact that we want to relive them both, One for the good...

Jun 13, 2020
Thoughtless Saturday
Overcast sky, Smell of new books, Harry Potter’s opening theme playing, As I cuddle with you. With a perfect cup of chai, Under my...

Jun 12, 2020
My soul is restless, To be the best, Do the best, Achieve the best, So, when it comes to terms, With the conditions Universe has, It...

Jun 10, 2020
Life In A Circle
I’ve been living in a circle, Since the last forty eight hours, Walking around the edges, Stopping to only see the star, Set in the west...