
Apr 7, 2021
Roaring Echo
There’s an echo, I’ve been hearing, It’s getting louder on its way, Though I can’t interpret what it means, It’s something I adore....

Apr 6, 2021
One Day At A Time / Breaking
The phone keeps ringing in my hand, But I’m not ready, To pick it up, And let you know, How my voice is breaking, Even before I say...

Apr 4, 2021
This Is How I Look Now
There’s a mirror in front of my bed, And each morning it reflects a different version of me. Somedays it’s all about the messy hair,...

Apr 3, 2021
Us Unboxed
If I had to put us in a box, it would consist of the following: • My favourite scarf that you like wiping your hands on. it now smells...

Apr 2, 2021
Midnight Conversations
I lie awake staring at the dark sky of the midnight, When it starts speaking to me, Asking if I’m an ocean, I laughed, first because the...

Apr 1, 2021
It would be perfect when you stop for a moment, To soak in the cool, fragrant air around you, Of lavenders, pines and grass, And just...

Mar 31, 2021
Some Kinda Way
I twist, I tumble, I think, I rumble, I ask, I stare, Into this world with a hazy glare. I feel, I believe, I question, I grieve, I...

Mar 30, 2021
So Lost
I see everyone, Being brave today, And everyday, Just carrying on, Living one day at a time. Then, why don’t I, Feel the same vibe, That...

Mar 29, 2021
Poetries Losing Meaning
Somewhere someone has found a way, To express emotions in poetries, Somehow I’m still wondering, If I’m doing the right thing. For my...

Mar 28, 2021
About The Moon
What do I say, That hasn’t been said about you before, Something that’s entirely mine, For you’re now more. More than the romanticized...

Mar 27, 2021
To Live And Die
I like knowing, That you know, The feelings I feel, Too many on somedays. I like knowing, That I know, Of the stories, You make in this...

Mar 26, 2021
Eternal / Ephemeral
Let’s stay up all night, Watching the stars shift in the dark sky, Glaring at the glory of the moon, Listening to all the songs that tell...