
Oct 7, 2018
Weekend, What?
What saturday, What sunday, What sleep, What laziness, What self care, What detox, What relaxation, What weekend, huh? #writing #weekend...

Aug 13, 2018
Mondays Aren’t Bad
Mondays aren’t bad when you have to struggle through a crowded train to reach office. Mondays aren’t bad when you have to stand in a...

Apr 7, 2018
Saturday Morning
There is something really peaceful about a Saturday morning, The feeling of not snoozing the alarm for ten more minutes, The feeling of...

Dec 15, 2017
My Friday
The best part of a day is when you finish off all the work and lie on your bed in your PJs, reading a book or just looking at the blank...

Nov 18, 2017
The best part of ignoring all the work you’ve to do and chill is you do the pending work with either more enthusiasm or do it without any...

Nov 17, 2017
It is a time when I am both thankful and happy that the week is over. Uninteresting things, uninteresting people, uninteresting...
Dec 17, 2016
Such a relieving day Saturday is! Attending the last lecture of the week and doing a little victory dance in your head and squealing like...
Jul 30, 2016
Worst Day of the Week, Maybe?
Saturday is thew most worthless day for me of the week and today was no different. Firstly, my lecture of 8 am got cancelled and due to...
Jul 2, 2016
Finally this long week has come to an end and all I want to do in the two days is sleep/finish my pending work/execute ideas/write...