
Aug 28, 2019
Flying Signs
I drifted off, In the warm wind, All day long, Looking at the signs, That you’ve left, And gone, Chasing them, One after the other,...

Jun 12, 2019
I’ve Been Forgotten
With a little help, From the rain gods, And a little help, From the gods of wind, The universe is setting people up. Giving some a call,...

May 21, 2019
The Leap
Leap of faith, Or leap of fear, I couldn’t decide, So I just leapt, Hoping I won’t drown, In the sinkhole, Of self doubt, And...

Feb 21, 2019
No. No. No. I don’t want to jinx it. The weather, Cosy and unreal. The spring, Pretty and surreal. The flowers, Fragrant and ephemeral....

Feb 12, 2019
Is that a sign, The wicked smile? Is that a sign, The chocolate and the wine? Is that a sign, The song on rewind? Is that a sign, Wild...

Feb 10, 2019
Concept of Time
The days are distracting, With stories of travels and places new, The nights become tempting, In search of the celestial moon. I don’t...

Aug 11, 2018
Stop Counting
How is life fun when, You keep on calculating the amount, Of how much you ate, Read, studied, traveled, drank, slept, wandered, lazed...

Aug 10, 2018
One Saros Cycle
I can’t overlook him, He’s the shining sun, Booming with love. An eclipse of distance, Shadows the star, Blocking all the smiles. One...

Jul 29, 2018
Conspirational Universe
One dot connects to the next, With links extremely strong, Seems like a fool proof plan, A message for me; but what? The signs...

Jul 28, 2018
Algorithm Of The Universe
The algorithm between the universe and me, Seems broken. Because it shows me sings of you and me, Somehow together. You favourite song...

May 23, 2018
Suddenly you’re under the water, Looking at the marine life, Floating all around you, The blues of the ocean, Sparkle bright and new!...

Apr 3, 2018
Negative < Positive
I wish I could just lie in my bed and stare at the sky just before the sun rose, thinking about all the things I loved rather than...