
Feb 5, 2020
Universe Is Laughing
Am I laughing at the universe, Or the universe is laughing at me, I cannot tell anymore, The list of things I cannot keep, The ones I...

Feb 1, 2020
Deciphering Signs
I ask questions to the universe, And try to decipher it’s motives, All the day, As it answers to me in song verses, Literally meaning,...

Jan 26, 2020
Isn’t it ironic universe, That with each passing day, It’s becoming tougher to let go. Like the sun setting in the west, Every evening is...

Dec 9, 2019
Forbidden Signs
I ignored the signs universe was placing out for me, On the corner of the road, In the middle of the traffic signal, With a song on the...

Dec 4, 2019
You, Me and The Universe
It was all a conspiracy today, You, Me and the universe, Tricking each other, With metaphors, And hints, Some signs, Lots of jinx, With...

Nov 28, 2019
This is the moment where everything seems unreal, The slow clock ticking seconds, The lazy wind of the late November evening, The...

Nov 27, 2019
True Moments
Aren’t the stars carrying messages, That lead you to me, Isn’t the universe hinting at something, That brings pretty sunsets for me,...

Nov 22, 2019
There’s 58 minutes left on the clock, For this day to end, And a new one to begin, Bringing in a different light, A different...

Nov 20, 2019
I’m waiting at the signal for the traffic light to turn green from red as thoughts zoom past my head like the vehicles in front of me....

Oct 13, 2019
No Sleep. Only Questions.
The thoughts keep me up all night, Raising questions I wouldn’t know, I might have for myself or you someday, Answers of which happen to...

Oct 8, 2019
Everything seems obnoxious, Even in this clear blue sky, And pretty sunshine, Reflecting through your eyes. Yet, there seems a fight,...

Sep 30, 2019
I used to believe, In the magic the universe speaks, But so far it’s been lying, With all the signs it leaks. For I think, I don’t...