
Apr 21, 2018
Conflicted Mind
It’s a conflicting mind, mine. Unfocused, confused and opinionated. What it wants it doesn’t know. What it needs, it’s confused about....

Apr 13, 2018
Commotion of Thoughts
Crawling under the skin, The feelings of frustration, Keeping straight faces, Holding every emotion, So simple to say it all, Then why...

Apr 3, 2018
Negative < Positive
I wish I could just lie in my bed and stare at the sky just before the sun rose, thinking about all the things I loved rather than...

Mar 22, 2018
Feelings at Home
It’s about feeling at home after being away, It’s about feeling the security right when you enter it, It’s about feeling the...

Mar 16, 2018
I’ve this weird bubble in me, Filled with thoughts of grief and uncertainty, Of yesterday, today and tomorrow, Having said that, The...

Feb 9, 2018
I don’t like going there. No, I don’t. I don’t like going to that place which has become the storehouse of our memories. I would have...

Sep 24, 2017
There are little bubbles of happiness floating around you, waiting to burst and spread a smile across your face. Sometimes, those little...

Sep 22, 2017
Time and Pain
The time feels so expansive today, so vast, so meaningful and meaningless at the same time. The pain demanded to be felt today, brutally,...

Sep 21, 2017
There are some days when you just want to cuddle in your favorite blanket, eat good food, watch a cricket match and do absolutely...

Sep 20, 2017
How Are You?
Some people never ask you how you’re doing. They just come to you or just text you about whatever they’re concerned with and vanish into...

Sep 18, 2017
There are some people with whom you don’t talk daily. But when you get back on track with them, you can just connect in the same way as...

Sep 17, 2017
Who’s This?
Your name and your number is just a contact in my phone list. Neither can I call it, nor send a message. It won’t reach, will it now?...