
May 8, 2017
Hold On- Let GoÂ
Holding on to something which you should have let go a long time ago or should not have held altogether is like holding a cactus. Your...

May 4, 2017
Re-living the MomentsÂ
As if I can see us sitting there where they are sitting now: Before seeing them sitting in the same place as us, I never knew we would be...

May 3, 2017
The Stranger’s SmileÂ
I borrowed the stranger’s smile. I was this weird girl this morning, Irritated with small talks, About to run away from the party, Drunk...

Apr 30, 2017
Inappropriate Laughter
If you think that laughing at something can make the moment light and happy then you’re wrong. You might have issues with controlling...

Apr 28, 2017
I say, let’s do it, What’s there to lose anyway. You’ll get to know another human, In this big world every day. Despite million warnings,...

Apr 19, 2017
Rise From Ashes
When you see me, Sitting silently, It’s only the outside which looks calm. The fire of the thoughts in my head burn like wild fire....

Apr 18, 2017
Day Dreaming
There I was sitting, In the exam hall, Writing about the artocities in Syria, When I snapped, In a world of my day dreams, Thinking about...

Apr 17, 2017
New ThingsÂ
Getting lost while finding a way, Telling why I’m doing this, Even though I want it to happen, Conflict, choas in the head. Then, the way...

Apr 14, 2017
Thorns as Roses
You cannot always love yourself. Sometimes you need someone who also feels that you’re lovable. It’s not always that you’ll be strong to...

Apr 13, 2017
The mind is pacing faster than the music it is hearing, The eyes scamming algorithms unknown to the mind, How tough it is to stare into...

Apr 11, 2017
Just Philosophical
It’s destiny being generous to you when certain things happen when you least expect​ them to happen. But, it doesn’t give you the whole...

Apr 9, 2017
If we could find a way back, I would be the one running back to you. If we could have held hands, I would have never lost you. If we...