
Mar 17, 2021
Thoughts Or Giants
It magnifies every little thing, Making it larger than life, Glorifying the tiniest thoughts, Into some giants in a fight. So, who do I...

Feb 19, 2021
Where Was I?
Now that I think of, I don’t think I lived, A single moment of today, In my room, In front of my laptop screen. I was somewhere in my...

Oct 11, 2020
Suspecting Thought
When we will look back, At these epochs of time, We will realise that, We often feed our own demons, Leading us to a situations, Unworthy...

Oct 19, 2019
Weight of Thoughts
Going with the flow, I hoped for the water to take away the heaviness, Of the thoughts I was holding, But everytime I wanted to not think...

Feb 24, 2019
Debunking Scenarios
She thinks of all the worst case scenarios on the tips of her fingers and many times the fingers fall short but the thoughts don’t. Then...

Feb 7, 2019
0-1000 Thoughts
With zero thoughts in my head, I march towards the day, Working constantly, Nothing in my mind’s bay. One random breeze, Blows my mind...

Jul 25, 2018
Library of Thoughts
One thing leading to the other, Like a chain reaction of thoughts, How in the world could be, So many zillion thoughts? Each thought...

Sep 24, 2017
There are little bubbles of happiness floating around you, waiting to burst and spread a smile across your face. Sometimes, those little...

Sep 23, 2017
No Idea
I wait, wait and wait, for an idea to strike so that I can accomplish the daily ritual of writing my blog but the idea seems to have got...

Sep 21, 2017
There are some days when you just want to cuddle in your favorite blanket, eat good food, watch a cricket match and do absolutely...

Sep 14, 2017
Scattered Thoughts
I don’t know what went wrong or what should have been done right in the moment when everything seemed to fall apart and go haywire. I...

Aug 4, 2017
Confused smiles…
Some smiles are so confusing; usually you can understand if someone is smiling genuinely or just curving their lips for the sake of a...