
Dec 22, 2017
The Unique You
Don’t feel ashamed of yourself if you don’t like something which everyone in the world loves. There are 7 billion people in the world and...

Dec 21, 2017
Life This Year
When you sit back to contemplate the life you lived this year, don’t forget to count all the times when you wanted to give up badly but...

Sep 4, 2017
Not Working Anymore
People want things to happen in their own way, at a pace which they prefer and at exactly when they want it to. They don’t want to listen...
Sep 1, 2017
One day we’ll meet again. Maybe you don’t expect that we might meet but, I expect that I’ll meet you again. Then, I might feel like we...

Aug 26, 2017
Not That DayÂ
One day the signs seem less obvious, the words once said don’t reveberate in your ears, the picture in your head fades away, the places...

Aug 22, 2017
The land elongates the distance by miles and kilometers, by sun and rain, by you and me. The maps cuts the distance short. At least, the...
Dec 7, 2016
Crushes and blah~
Perks of having a crush on a person who’s not actively active on social media: You cannot have a bigger crush on him as: (a) You may not...