
Sep 29, 2018
Heights Of Sky
Asmaa mein aag hai, Unchaai choone ki abhi, Koi usse bata do, Usse uncha koi hai nahi. ~~~ The sky has fire, To reach heights now,...

Sep 27, 2018
Colors of the Sky.
The sky changed shades so quickly that it felt like some was using a colour picker and making an art piece to be sold in a local gallery....

Sep 15, 2018
More Than Words
Some evenings are more than sunsets. Some people are more than the souls. Some places are more than memorable. Some jokes are more than...

Mar 25, 2018
There won’t be a limit for the sunsets I would want to watch in my life because each sunset is a the proof of a successful rotation of...

Feb 17, 2017
Melodic Sunsets
​To all the evenings you spent alone, To all the sunsets you see from your room, To all the songs you sang along, While seeing the clouds...