
Mar 13, 2021
Hurt Me Now
I think I’m ready now, To get hurt, By anything and anyone in the universe, For I think there are yet, Worse things waiting to happen....

Mar 20, 2020
It’ll Be Okay
A lot of you might be hurting now, From all that is going around you, I’ve been hurting too, For reasons I can’t tell you, But, all this...

Mar 3, 2020
How Can She
Tell me how, She can wake up with a smile, Within hours of sleep, All ready to slay, Long before the sun comes up. Tell me how, She can...

Jan 24, 2020
Stop, stare, let go, I ain’t the one, You once gave a red rose, Run, create, hold on, To something precious, For making the world yours....

Nov 9, 2019
Fragile / Fierce
My heart was broken years ago, For the first time, Not because I fell in love, But because I didn’t realise that someone can break it in...

Dec 21, 2017
Life This Year
When you sit back to contemplate the life you lived this year, don’t forget to count all the times when you wanted to give up badly but...

Sep 4, 2017
Not Working Anymore
People want things to happen in their own way, at a pace which they prefer and at exactly when they want it to. They don’t want to listen...

Aug 6, 2017
Sometimes situations demand time to be understood. Sometimes it is not important to deal with certain things as and when they come at...

Apr 15, 2017
Not The Ordinary Girl
When she forgets that she’s scared and is strong enough to be willing to do something she never thought of, that’s when you should know...

Apr 14, 2017
Thorns as Roses
You cannot always love yourself. Sometimes you need someone who also feels that you’re lovable. It’s not always that you’ll be strong to...

Feb 10, 2017
​You get hurt because you live with your heart on your sleeve. Despite telling yourself a zillion times to not expect anything or get...
Jun 9, 2016
Smile & Win It.
Well, I smile in my head at random times in a day and if anyone who might be looking at me during those ‘random smile times’ will think...