
Apr 27, 2020
I am trying, Everyday to be a little better, Than yesterday. I am trying, To look at things differently, Than yesterday. I am trying, To...

Apr 26, 2020
When she looks up at the sky, With the golden moon and the bright Venus, While tracing the constellation of Orion, She thinks, how she is...

Apr 25, 2020
He seems to be having a mirage, Of a paperboat flowing in the sand, And a mermaid swimming towards him, Maybe this is what afterlife is...

Apr 25, 2020
She’s been stranded on the desert alone, With just the harsh heat of the sun to accompany all day long. She no longer knows, If her...

Apr 24, 2020
Your name is on my lips, Even before my eyes are open, They curl up into smile as I call for you, Only to find myself alone in the room,...

Apr 14, 2020
I wake up with a thought, In the middle of the night, Or rather, I think, I was dreaming, While you whispered poetry, To the blue sky....

Apr 12, 2020
The air carries the essence of salt from the ocean, As I lie under the dark sky finding constellations. Such clear nights remind me, Of...

Apr 11, 2020
Book Of Life
If you’ll open the book of my life, Randomly to any day, From today to some 460 days back, You’ll read only poetries, I’ve written, torn,...

Apr 7, 2020
Summer Evenings
Each day is longer, By minutes and seconds, Keeping us apart, In these moments of stress, So when I have something good to share, Why is...

Mar 6, 2020
Verses – Lost In Translation
There are lyrics which seem to touch the chords of our hearts reverberating them to our soul as they engrave themselves for as long as we...

Mar 6, 2020
Lost In Translation
My poetries, Your unsaid words, Leave us, With thoughts, Unspoken and mysterious, Inferring moods, All-day and all night long, While all...

Mar 4, 2020
Loves Me / Loves Me Not
He knows me, He knows me not, He trusts me, He trusts me not, He thinks of me, He thinks of me not, He loves me, He loves me not, As each...