
Mar 29, 2019
You have the warmth, That the sun has on a winter afternoon, And the calmness of the moon, After a no moon day. You are the rays that...

Mar 23, 2019
Edition 12 – Indian Premier League
In the last 12 years, Indian Premier League has been the tournament that has not only set standards for international cricket but also...
Jul 31, 2017
The Perfect Monday Blues
Oh my God. I’m so thankful that the day is ending finally! If you find out that the photographs which you’ve clicked and the write ups...

Mar 7, 2017
Constant ConnectivityÂ
I wonder what made the world like it is now. We all are connected to our family and friends at every hour of the day. Our phones are...
Jan 24, 2017
Go, Talk.Â
​I want to talk to someone really badly. I don’t know what I want to talk about, but I just need someone who could speak to me about his...
Jan 19, 2017
No Social MediaÂ
I’ve been avoiding to use social media since last few months. Why? Because, seeing photos of people doesn’t make sense anymore to me....
Dec 7, 2016
Crushes and blah~
Perks of having a crush on a person who’s not actively active on social media: You cannot have a bigger crush on him as: (a) You may not...