
May 14, 2018
Smiles to Another
With one to other, A smile to another. A question to ask, An answer to seek. A momentary thought, Leading to a conversation brewing. Few...

Mar 29, 2018
29th March, 2018
The mornings are easier when you know how bad it can turn out to be. There are mornings when every bad thing you were able to think of...

Feb 8, 2018
I wanted to drop a curtain, Cut the conversation, Run from the room, Dig a hole and jump in it, Or just make myself invisible, While you...

Aug 4, 2017
Confused smiles…
Some smiles are so confusing; usually you can understand if someone is smiling genuinely or just curving their lips for the sake of a...

Feb 8, 2017
For Some Reason
​For some reason, I keep going back, For some reason, I hate that you know that. For some reason, there’s a smile on my face, For some...