
Nov 17, 2020
Silence Of The Storm
It’s not just the silence, Before the storm that echoes, But the silence that follows, After it that hurts, More than the impact, Of the...

Oct 2, 2020
I’ve barely said, Fifty words today, Whereas thought, Ten times more than that, But none of them matter really, For no one listens as a...

Apr 1, 2020
Silent Evenings
On such silent evenings, When only the breeze whispers, Stories in my ears, From places far and wide, I wish you were by my side, As I...

Mar 30, 2020
Waqt yeh theharta hi nahi, Thehar hum jaate hai, Kabhi raaton mein der tak, Bas yunhi baatein karte jaate hai, Fir jo khamoshi mein lafz,...

Jul 19, 2019
Breakable Silences
There’s silence, As we float around the cosmos, A little bearable, As we absorb each other’s vibe, A little unbearable, As it starts to...

Apr 27, 2018
Stretched Silence
Stretching silences of conversations, From cities to states, Forgetting faces and alliances, As the time fades. The photos remain still,...

Feb 10, 2018
Comfortable Silence
Imagine yourself with someone in a room with absolute silence. There is no sound whatsoever. No disturbance at all. No horns bleeping. No...

Jan 18, 2018
Magic Of Silence
Once you’ve been extremely quiet, Absorbing all the external sounds, Some even non-existent, You know when you should stop, To pull the...

Nov 9, 2017
Sit across me and smile lovingly enough to make my cheeks go red. Sir across me and listen to the story of my silence. Sit across me in...
Dec 3, 2016
Be as peaceful as the ocean is. Listen to the sounds except your own voice and you’ll realize that there is so much in the world which...