
Mar 6, 2020
Lost In Translation
My poetries, Your unsaid words, Leave us, With thoughts, Unspoken and mysterious, Inferring moods, All-day and all night long, While all...

Feb 26, 2020
Written In Fate
It’s all written in our fate, The songs that randomly shuffle on our playlists, The ones which start to mean, Something more than the...

Feb 24, 2020
Reality Check
Universe has the best way to snap you out of your daydreams, By just, one, simple, Reality check. It will make you a part of its posse,...

Feb 23, 2020
When You Speak Poetry
When you speak poetry, You create sound waves, That travel into the universe, To find a way to your heart, And rhyme to the tune of your...

Feb 10, 2020
I’m having, All these conversations, With you, In my head, More, Than in real life. Guess it requires, More, Than just network, To...

Feb 7, 2020
The smiles are reserved, For smiles of you, As you smile at me, While I smile at you, From across the room, As if they have a language...

Feb 1, 2020
Deciphering Signs
I ask questions to the universe, And try to decipher it’s motives, All the day, As it answers to me in song verses, Literally meaning,...

Dec 4, 2019
You, Me and The Universe
It was all a conspiracy today, You, Me and the universe, Tricking each other, With metaphors, And hints, Some signs, Lots of jinx, With...

Nov 20, 2019
I’m waiting at the signal for the traffic light to turn green from red as thoughts zoom past my head like the vehicles in front of me....

Aug 28, 2019
Flying Signs
I drifted off, In the warm wind, All day long, Looking at the signs, That you’ve left, And gone, Chasing them, One after the other,...

Jun 12, 2019
I’ve Been Forgotten
With a little help, From the rain gods, And a little help, From the gods of wind, The universe is setting people up. Giving some a call,...

May 21, 2019
The Leap
Leap of faith, Or leap of fear, I couldn’t decide, So I just leapt, Hoping I won’t drown, In the sinkhole, Of self doubt, And...