
Mar 1, 2021
Magical Happenstance
I don’t need a shooting star, To wish for something to happen magically, For I know that the universe is listening from afar, To all my...

Dec 11, 2020
Universe = You
You are a universe, Full of stars undiscovered. You are a universe, With constellations uncovered. For you are you, With a universe in...

Aug 28, 2020
The sound of rain on the window, Is music to my ears, As I devour plate full of comfort food, Under a roof, blessed. The kind people in...

May 28, 2020
Maybe if the signs are still the same, And the heart wishes of it again, Then maybe the story is still on, Waiting for another moment to...

Apr 16, 2020
Coincidences and Connections
We are meant to stay here. We are meant to meet here. By chance. By coincidence. Or by just randomly realising one day, That we are meant...

Mar 27, 2020
Not A Sign
Yeah, you’ve been on my mind, But, I’m not taking it as a sign, Of the universe conspiring of something, With all the baader-meinhof...

Feb 15, 2020
That Moment
I wish I could see, All the moments, When he glanced at me, While I looked away, To know the happiness on his face, As he blushes and...

Feb 13, 2020
Seasonal Transition
From shorter days, To shorter nights, From longer nights, To longer days, We’ve transitioned, Like the seasons, From cold winters, With...

Feb 9, 2020
Not A Coincidence
It’s not a coincidence, The alignment of the planets, Their distances from us, The paths we chose, The decisions we make, The people that...

Feb 6, 2020
Weaves Of Magic
It weaves like magic, The incidents that occur, Surprising me, As they stutter, Down my life, With elegance and poise, As if it was meant...

Dec 9, 2019
Forbidden Signs
I ignored the signs universe was placing out for me, On the corner of the road, In the middle of the traffic signal, With a song on the...

Dec 4, 2019
You, Me and The Universe
It was all a conspiracy today, You, Me and the universe, Tricking each other, With metaphors, And hints, Some signs, Lots of jinx, With...