
Apr 6, 2021
One Day At A Time / Breaking
The phone keeps ringing in my hand, But I’m not ready, To pick it up, And let you know, How my voice is breaking, Even before I say...

Apr 5, 2021
Array Of Emotions
Science says a human can feel about around 18 emotions on a regular day. Sometimes feeling multiple emotions at the same time. Science...

Mar 17, 2021
Thoughts Or Giants
It magnifies every little thing, Making it larger than life, Glorifying the tiniest thoughts, Into some giants in a fight. So, who do I...

Mar 12, 2021
Not Me
I no longer know, Who I was before, Before I started feeling this way, I’m feeling today. Because I believe, It was certainly not...

Mar 10, 2021
Just The Knee
For the fourth time, I hurt my knee again today. At the same spot, ironic, I say! So, even though I am twenty something today, I went to...

Mar 4, 2021
Heavy On Heart
Wake me up, When it doesn’t feel so complicated, The simplest of conversations, Heavy on heart. Wake me up, When it doesn’t feel so sad,...

Mar 3, 2021
One Of Those Days
Today, was one of the those days, again. Like those when you feel so lost, On known paths. Like those days when you feel so exhausted, To...

Nov 18, 2020
It Is What It Is
It was like that moment, When you can’t believe, The words printed on the book. And you either have to re-read it, Again and again to...

Jun 14, 2020
Stay Strong Bravehearts
When after three days, You’ll be finally feeling good, Something will happen, That will change your mood. It is then you need to be...

Jun 3, 2020
In Good Times & Bad
You find him when you fall apart, He’s the one who knows your art, You find him when things work out, He’s the one who celebrates it out...

Oct 9, 2019
When it seems like you’ve the sandcastle under control, Is when a small wave silently creeps up, Starts pulling off the sand, Grain by...

Sep 2, 2019
Remnants Of Rumbles
The grey clouds hover over the ocean, Threatening to burst down any minute, With silent rumbles, Echoing louder with each passing...