
Jan 15, 2021
Cloudless sky, empty. Moonless night, empty. Wordless conversations, empty. Loveless heart, empty. Nothing in everything, empty. #writing...

Jan 12, 2021
People Moments and Places
Sometimes, we give the best pieces of our heart to people, moments and places, unknowingly, accidently or with intent. Only to be left...

Dec 26, 2020
I realized I was no longer counting, The number of days we haven’t spoken, But actually the number of days, Until infinity that we won’t...

Dec 16, 2020
Darkness Without Moonlight
What does the sea do, In the absence of the moon? Because here I’m drowning, Deep in this planet blue. I crash with the last wave,...

Dec 3, 2020
Once In A Blue Moon
Once in a blue moon, There comes a day, When you feel so defeated, Even when you nothing to gain. So breathless, Even when you’re...

Nov 18, 2020
It Is What It Is
It was like that moment, When you can’t believe, The words printed on the book. And you either have to re-read it, Again and again to...

Nov 16, 2020
So Far
Today I feel, I’ve come so far, Far from where I started this year. Yet, it feels, I’m stuck at the same place, Stuck where I left myself...

Sep 9, 2020
I’ve been riding the highs, I’ve been falling in the lows, All in a day and, I don’t know where this all goes. The efforts that matter,...

Aug 29, 2020
Starless sky, cloudful. Wordless mind, thoughtful. Sleepless night, mournful. Flavourless mood, distasteful. Emotionless heart, hurtful....

Aug 20, 2020
There’s nothing to hold on to, As I drown in the stormy waves, Miles and miles away from the shore, Where no one can listen to my cries....

Aug 6, 2020
Dead Emotions
He asks me, How can someone, Write something, So astonishing? How can someone, Fathom the words, Framed them in phrases, That strain at...

Aug 2, 2020
Maybe I expect a little from you, Maybe I’m stupid for that, Maybe I am willing to do much more, Than what I expect from you back. But,...