
May 31, 2018
Act of Bravery
Why sometimes we cannot just give up, Why do we need to keep fighting, The wars we no longer care for, When the outcome may not be worth...

May 29, 2018
Odd Reason
For some odd reason, You seem not to care, Of what you say, What you do, Ignoring somethings, Not just out of the blue. I wonder if you...

May 28, 2018
No Glam and Glow
For all I know, I don’t want any glam or glow, No magic or show, No fairy no flow. Just a simple thought or so, Living life and laying...

May 20, 2018
How long
How long does it take, To not commit the same mistake again? How long does it take, To get it right in the head? How long does it take,...

Apr 18, 2018
The whole night scented of petrichor. I know this because after you fell asleep while complaining about how you couldn’t see the stars...

Apr 13, 2018
Commotion of Thoughts
Crawling under the skin, The feelings of frustration, Keeping straight faces, Holding every emotion, So simple to say it all, Then why...

Apr 8, 2018
Another Feeling
I need another feeling now, All the ones I’ve had, Are old faded, I need another feeling to, Create another goodbye, Probably a little...

Apr 6, 2018
We Were Ephemeral
If we knew we were ephemeral, We would have probably spoken a little earlier, A little longer, A little more than necessary, Sharing...

Mar 21, 2018
Poetry is something which speaks when all the words don’t justify the way you are feeling. Poetry is something which screams all the...

Mar 18, 2018
Out of a Book
If I ever get a chance to describe him as a person, I would just say, he’s right out of a book. He has these kind eyes, messed up hair, a...

Mar 16, 2018
I’ve this weird bubble in me, Filled with thoughts of grief and uncertainty, Of yesterday, today and tomorrow, Having said that, The...

Mar 15, 2018
The Name
They screamed your name in anger, Chanting it like a mantra, The only thing obnoxious was, A name like yours wasn’t meant to be said...