
Apr 17, 2020
Lock / Unlock
Last night I locked my heart away, From the ones who can easily stay away, Threw away the key somewhere far away, Where I can’t find it...

Feb 22, 2019
Another Friday
Wasn’t it just yesterday, The day we said, yay? How did it so quickly then, Become something in past tense to say? The time is running,...

Feb 8, 2019
Rhyme Seller
With his rare mood, It’s all fair, He dares me, For a rhyme scare. His sharp jaw, Sharper than his stare, Inspires me, To sell grapes...

May 31, 2018
Act of Bravery
Why sometimes we cannot just give up, Why do we need to keep fighting, The wars we no longer care for, When the outcome may not be worth...

May 28, 2018
No Glam and Glow
For all I know, I don’t want any glam or glow, No magic or show, No fairy no flow. Just a simple thought or so, Living life and laying...