
Feb 22, 2019
Another Friday
Wasn’t it just yesterday, The day we said, yay? How did it so quickly then, Become something in past tense to say? The time is running,...

Feb 8, 2019
Rhyme Seller
With his rare mood, It’s all fair, He dares me, For a rhyme scare. His sharp jaw, Sharper than his stare, Inspires me, To sell grapes...

Jan 2, 2019
The Little Birdie
“Aren’t you a little birdie, Trifling and poetic, You think the skies are, Magnificent and aesthetic;” The sky laughs and says, “Ain’t...

Dec 16, 2018
I know what I’m doing, Overthinking, at my best, Worthless as it can ever be, I cannot give it a rest. As uncertain as the future can be,...

Aug 8, 2018
For once, Everything seems unnecessary, Yet it’s something, To live for. For once, There’s no passion, Yet it’s something, To feel for....

May 2, 2018
All Smiles Outside
All smiles it looks from outside, What do you know what’s inside? We can see 2.6 million light years away, How come I can’t see you in...

Apr 16, 2018
Monday Rhymes
Something in me, Urges me to get up, Or maybe it was the alarm, Something in the morning light glitters, Probably the sun’s charm....

Apr 15, 2018
There are situations so simple, Yet so difficult to solve, Some, creation of your own will, and some of your own thoughts, Why then we...

Apr 13, 2018
Commotion of Thoughts
Crawling under the skin, The feelings of frustration, Keeping straight faces, Holding every emotion, So simple to say it all, Then why...

Mar 7, 2018
On the sidelines, Of each game, Each sport, Cheering someone, Holding a rose. Elated when the team wins, Tears when they don’t, Shouting...

Jan 2, 2018
Because I haven’t got answers to questions I’ve asked, I stumble to ask you many things. Because I’m anxious to even sit still in from of...
Sep 30, 2017
Take Me
I want to go to someplace new, Explore nooks and corners, Make memories few, Click moments and sunsets too, Take me somewhere I’ve never...