
Jul 16, 2018
Impeccable Imagination
She wandered far and wide, In her head though, Imagining dresses and costumes, Like Alice, in rabbit’s burrow. She plans on the dance, A...

Jun 29, 2018
If you be the true you, With everyone you talk, If you be the best of you, In each of the life’s walk, If you be the righteous you, At...

Jun 27, 2018
All Alive
Hiding behind the clouds, The moon casts a silver line, The breeze cutting through, Makes it all alive. Clouds covering the shiny white...

Jun 26, 2018
Writers Life
Type, Stare, Backspace. Think, Stare, Type. Type, Write, Type. Backspace. Type, Stare, Backspace. Type, Type, Type. Stare, Backspace,...

Jun 18, 2018
One day you just feel so empty, From within. That only hope remains, Hanging with a tiny string. One day it all feels overwhelming, From...

Jun 1, 2018
Reminiscing the Times
Never had I ever thought that this place would exist, In times when I couldn’t form a proper sentence without fringing, In times when...

May 29, 2018
Odd Reason
For some odd reason, You seem not to care, Of what you say, What you do, Ignoring somethings, Not just out of the blue. I wonder if you...

May 28, 2018
No Glam and Glow
For all I know, I don’t want any glam or glow, No magic or show, No fairy no flow. Just a simple thought or so, Living life and laying...

May 20, 2018
How long
How long does it take, To not commit the same mistake again? How long does it take, To get it right in the head? How long does it take,...

May 2, 2018
All Smiles Outside
All smiles it looks from outside, What do you know what’s inside? We can see 2.6 million light years away, How come I can’t see you in...

Apr 19, 2018
Racing Time
The time seems to be running a race, Passing each check point without stopping, Continuing to run past everything so quickly, That it is...

Apr 18, 2018
The whole night scented of petrichor. I know this because after you fell asleep while complaining about how you couldn’t see the stars...