
Jun 15, 2018
With all that you think of, With all that really happens, Is everything you never expected, Is everything that is meant to happen....

Jun 3, 2018
Some days are such that you don’t have the energy and strength to even send a text message and carry out a conversation but you still do...

May 17, 2018
Strange Faith
It’s strange knowing how much faith you contain, When all you can think is about the layers of labyrinth you’re stuck in. Its strange...

May 12, 2018
Do you feel that you are over some things, some people, some memories and some places? Or you’re so tired to let them affect you they way...

Apr 27, 2018
Stretched Silence
Stretching silences of conversations, From cities to states, Forgetting faces and alliances, As the time fades. The photos remain still,...
Apr 24, 2018
Egos bigger than bodies, Inflates with every breath, Rises with every compliment, Shadows everything nice, Destroys everything bright....

Apr 23, 2018
The whole day has been a rollercoaster, Of me avoiding the tears fill up my eyes, The anger settled under something I don’t even realise...

Mar 28, 2018
It’s when I’m almost getting to the point where I’m not thinking about you, my heart fights to forget the idea of the existence of a...

Mar 25, 2018
There won’t be a limit for the sunsets I would want to watch in my life because each sunset is a the proof of a successful rotation of...

Feb 17, 2018
Deal Done
I’m done dealing with people who don’t have guts to agree to disagree. I’m done dealing with people who have too much of ego filled in...

Dec 5, 2017
Synchrony or not?
Have you ever met a person and then saw a similar looking, younger version of them on the television and thought, well, damn! Will you...

Dec 3, 2017
It All Comes Back
You don’t realize, Do you? That it all comes back to me, Even if you don’t want it to. Or do you even know that, It comes back to me,...