
May 8, 2021
How Are You? Really.
This post I found on Instagram today, Talks about 24 different ways to ask “How Are You?” But, I think instead of telling me how to ask...

Oct 28, 2020
You remind me of someone, Someone I used to write about. About a few times maybe, Maybe a few hundred no doubt. Doubt me if you think I’m...

Jul 5, 2019
Ghosts In Abandoned Town
I just keep, Thinking, Thinking, Thinking, Over and over again, The things you said, And the ones you didn’t, Warning me that, They might...

Jun 15, 2019
Understanding You
It took me 3 seasons to understand you. 9 different types of weather to know which one is your favourite – Yet, a new kind of weather...

Jun 5, 2019
I feel helpless on such days. Helpless because I’ve so much hope. Helpless because I’ve so much to say. Helpless because there is so much...

Jun 1, 2019
The Words Complain
She’s been using us for years now, Ruthlessly, Shamelessly, Cold-heartedly, To describe, Matters of her heart, Which she can’t say, To...

Apr 10, 2019
The Perfect Morning
As the morning light shines from window, Making my white curtains look aureate, As the light breeze ruffles them, Bringing in the fresh...

Apr 9, 2019
Starry Eyed
She has her feet in sand, Mind amidst the clouds, Writing poetry for the sea, She’s in love no doubt. With the air that blows her hair,...

Apr 8, 2019
Write Often
It’s not often that you find words scribbled for you on parchments or on the last pages of the books. It’s not often that someone just...

Mar 21, 2019
World Poetry Day 2019
Poetry is more than a series of rhyming words expressing something you can’t say it out loud. Poetry is more than the feelings you feel,...

Mar 17, 2019
Poetry and Inspiration
If words came as naturally as the heart beats, Imagine the flood of poetry in the world! Everyone believing in love a little more,...

Mar 12, 2019
Sad Songs
All the sad songs seem to be have written for this one moment where everything seems broken and unmendable. Each word, each lyric...