
Mar 9, 2018
Good Bad Day
I sit here, Within the confines of my blanket, Lights dimmed out, Hoping the sad feeling goes away, Can you feel sad, Even on a good day?...

Jan 25, 2018
Moment Of The Day
Some conversations happen, When you least expect them to, Bringing out the best in you, Because you don’t pretend to be someone that’s...

Jan 3, 2018
Take Me Home
Take me to some place which smells neutral to me and not of coffee, flowers or candle sticks. Take me to some place where you can wear...

Jan 1, 2018
I took the box out, In which all the memories of the last year is kept, Every one of them tucked in safely, From the forgetful world. As...

Aug 23, 2017
She wears her heart on her sleeve, Giving it to strangers helplessly, She is obsessed with the idea of being in love, Dreaming of living...

Aug 11, 2017
The smiles, The eyes, The names The kindness, Encourages me, To do the unexpected. But, boy you all make the confidence go, Down, down,...

May 27, 2017
It’s the little things which let you down, Hurting the littlest parts of your soul, It’s the little things which uplift you too, Flaming...