
Apr 8, 2018
Another Feeling
I need another feeling now, All the ones I’ve had, Are old faded, I need another feeling to, Create another goodbye, Probably a little...

Apr 7, 2018
Saturday Morning
There is something really peaceful about a Saturday morning, The feeling of not snoozing the alarm for ten more minutes, The feeling of...

Apr 6, 2018
We Were Ephemeral
If we knew we were ephemeral, We would have probably spoken a little earlier, A little longer, A little more than necessary, Sharing...

Mar 31, 2018
Another Day
Another day goes by, Another evening helpless, Another afternoon silent much, Another morning gone, Yet no signs of you again, No trace...

Mar 26, 2018
Fifteen days of phases, Then you disappear, For a day, Making sky so lonely, Almost a repelling fear. In a parallel world, Fifteen days...

Mar 1, 2018
Few Words
To find a way, To come to you, Crossing oceans, Mountains too, Rivers and Valleys, Boundaries too, Just for a glance, Or words few. To...

Feb 28, 2018
You sit in that stance, So comfortable in your skin, Like there’s nothing you’ve to worry about; I look at you, Blood tickling under my...

Feb 27, 2018
We all fall down
You stand strong, Holding all the weight, You fall down, With one small trait, Of being good, So good it hurts, Becoming bad, Is just too...

Feb 26, 2018
Good Monday Morning
A certain Monday morning, A good one, Can you believe? A good Monday morning, It’s not hard to believe, If you see cheerful smiles...

Feb 22, 2018
So many things to say, So little time to hear, So many people mutter, So many just want a chance to say, Things buried deep down the...

Feb 21, 2018
The moment she arrived, On my porch, With a smile fixed, On such a worried yet pretty face, The humidity in the began to fade away,...

Feb 20, 2018
Under Construction
The gravelled road, The bumpy path, Boulders here, Detours apart. Quicksand somewhere, No entry, depart. Bump, on a bump on a bump ahead,...