
Apr 9, 2021
For Now
I remember you standing under the Gulmohar tree, Looking up at my balcony, Calling my name, And asking me to come downstairs. I thought...

Apr 8, 2021
Then one day, You’re free, From the anchor, That was weighing you down, And you rise, Towards the surface, Noticing every little thing,...

Apr 7, 2021
Roaring Echo
There’s an echo, I’ve been hearing, It’s getting louder on its way, Though I can’t interpret what it means, It’s something I adore....

Apr 6, 2021
One Day At A Time / Breaking
The phone keeps ringing in my hand, But I’m not ready, To pick it up, And let you know, How my voice is breaking, Even before I say...

Apr 5, 2021
Array Of Emotions
Science says a human can feel about around 18 emotions on a regular day. Sometimes feeling multiple emotions at the same time. Science...

Apr 4, 2021
This Is How I Look Now
There’s a mirror in front of my bed, And each morning it reflects a different version of me. Somedays it’s all about the messy hair,...

Apr 3, 2021
Us Unboxed
If I had to put us in a box, it would consist of the following: • My favourite scarf that you like wiping your hands on. it now smells...

Apr 2, 2021
Midnight Conversations
I lie awake staring at the dark sky of the midnight, When it starts speaking to me, Asking if I’m an ocean, I laughed, first because the...

Apr 1, 2021
It would be perfect when you stop for a moment, To soak in the cool, fragrant air around you, Of lavenders, pines and grass, And just...

Mar 31, 2021
Some Kinda Way
I twist, I tumble, I think, I rumble, I ask, I stare, Into this world with a hazy glare. I feel, I believe, I question, I grieve, I...

Mar 30, 2021
So Lost
I see everyone, Being brave today, And everyday, Just carrying on, Living one day at a time. Then, why don’t I, Feel the same vibe, That...

Mar 29, 2021
Poetries Losing Meaning
Somewhere someone has found a way, To express emotions in poetries, Somehow I’m still wondering, If I’m doing the right thing. For my...