
Jan 21, 2021
Devil’s Advocate
The more I think, The more I know, The ways how, Something can go wrong. Maybe that’s how, I sometimes know, The ways how, Not to do it...

Jan 20, 2021
We’ve come far away, From what we were a year ago, To what we are now, Perhaps surviving, Just because of the other’s existence, When...

Jan 19, 2021
Dying Star
If the stars are the opportunities, Then why does one die right in front of me, When I gather my courage, To start a universe around it?...

Jan 18, 2021
People In Love
She witnesses for the first time, Two people falling in love, Slowly yet cautiously, Totally unlike her, Quick and without any care. She...

Jan 16, 2021
Bluffs and Coincidences
In that moment today, I believed, In magic all over again, For it was nothing but a coincidence, To find something, That you weren’t...

Jan 15, 2021
Cloudless sky, empty. Moonless night, empty. Wordless conversations, empty. Loveless heart, empty. Nothing in everything, empty. #writing...

Jan 14, 2021
All my hopes, Are now scared to fly, For they don’t know, Where to go, To find a little light, To bring back home. image from pexels...

Jan 13, 2021
Even if I didn’t wake up, Today to see the sky again, I wouldn’t be sorry, For I think, I didn’t want to, Live a nightmare, When I can...

Jan 12, 2021
People Moments and Places
Sometimes, we give the best pieces of our heart to people, moments and places, unknowingly, accidently or with intent. Only to be left...

Jan 11, 2021
Not In-Sync
It’s less blue than it used to, The sky these days, Something’s evil with the universe too, I don’t understand what it says. It’s less...

Jan 10, 2021
Same Trails
I know we’ll walk again, Together on the same trails, As before. Risdiscovering songs, As we find our way, Back to each other. Like we...

Jan 9, 2021
I’m at unease, Because of all the thoughts, That don’t leave, This mind alone. I question everything, About last night, And the foggy...